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Kathy and Toni

Thank you to all who helped in our kitchen and laundry renovation. It’s hard to believe that it is the same space. We are really pleased with the end result.

As you know, we contacted you when we bought this house as we had been very happy with the granite kitchen makeover that you had done about 7 years ago in our previous home. We liked everything about the new house except the kitchen let it down.

The kitchen, laundry and storerooms were a series of small dog boxes. Your ideas and assistance were invaluable in making a feature of what was an ugly space in the centre of the house. We have an open space to cook and entertain and creating the scullery to hide the mess of preparation works well. The idea of the separate coffee work station also works and made good use of the space.

The laundry now has usable storage and a space to store Toni’s wine. With no huge cellar that we had been used to it was good to have the new storage cupboards to house all the things we have accumulated.

Our thanks for managing to get the kitchen done so quickly as we had to move in due to the settlement of our previous property.

Pass our thanks on to the tradesmen that worked on site.


Wendy and Noel Lindsay

Please find enclosed our final payment for the new kitchen and bathroom vanities. We would like to say a special thank you to you, and your staff, for a professional installation, completed within budget and on time.

Our requirement for a kitchen renovation/makeover for our new home may have brought us to your store initially, but without your keen design ‘eye’ we would have short-changed ourselves. By highlighting crucial information during your site visit (30 years old, lost potential, etc) we achieved a far superior outcome through not only refitting, but reconfiguring the kitchen space to take perfect advantage of the beautiful view looking over the city. Your ingenious suggestions of moving certain components to other walls/areas have left us with a fantastic outlook. We also appreciate that the final cost was less than anticipated due to your creative/lateral thinking and through your competent back-to-back usage of existing bathroom plumbing.

It is a pleasure to entertain with such a great kitchen space to work in. We are delighted with the finishes. Not only do the stone tops and gloss charcoal cupboards stand up to wear and tear, but we receive compliments from all our visitors. Knowing the value it has added to the home is an added bonus.

Thanks to all your staff for being so cooperative in working around all the other tradesman that were on site for the house renovation.

We plan to commence work on a new verandah and will be in touch with you then regarding an outdoor kitchen for the space.


Vicki Clarke

Just a quick note to thank you and your staff for helping to turn my old and tired kitchen into a place where I now want to spend some time cooking. Your suggestion of cutting off the servery and opening up the whole space was a fantastic idea and has made such a difference.

Your team of tradesman followed thru turning your ideas into the finished product.

Initially my partner wasn’t that enthusiastic about home renovations but after the success of the kitchen and wall units that you did for me, he’s got the bug and we are now working our way through the lounge and dining.

Good luck to you all in your business


Karen Kleinlagel

I wanted to thank you for the beautiful kitchen that we have now! The layout is truly amazing in working in the kitchen and just sitting at the bench for lunch.

I am very happy with the end result. The bench top is lovely and clean against the white tiles. The glass cabinet is fitted with my best dinner set. Thank you again.